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Our Mission

The Mission of Local 1407 Accountants, Statisticians and Actuaries is to uphold the rights and privileges of all the members of the Local according to the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) International Constitution, the District Council 37 Constitution and the Local 1407 Constitution.


Additionally, we will negotiate all contractual raises to be given to the members and we will act as a mediator between our members and management so that our members rights and privileges are protected at all times. The local will also do everything in its power to protect the safety and health of all of our members at their respective workplaces. 


The local will accomplish this by filing grievances on the members’ behalf, if necessary, having continuous Labor-Management meetings to solve problems, answering questions and inquires to the best of our ability and addressing anything within the framework of the union to help, assist and improve the working conditions of all of our members.


Finally, we will promote an atmosphere of unity and cooperation among the Officers, Executive Board Members, Trustees, Delegates and the Rank and File Members so that we all help each other to the best of our ability and promote a spirit of trust and brotherhood among all the members of this great Local.

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